S K Uthappa Indian Hockey Player Biography: Photos, Childhood and route to Hockey!

The life story of S K Uthappa, Indian Hockey Player. Get to know about the Olympian as we have for you S K Uthappa Biography including  S K Uthappa Childhood,  S K Uthappa Photos,  S K Uthappa age,  S K Uthappa achievements and more!

S K Uthappa Indian Hockey Player: Biography

Sannuvanda Kushalappa Uthappa, the Indian field Hockey player was born on December 2nd 1993 in Coorg, Karnataka. S K Uthappa plays in the Forward position for the Nation team. Being part of the 2012 London Olympic Games Uthappa has a lot in hand including his experience to take it to the upcoming 2016 Rio, Olympics! The Indian Forwarder has gradually grown his Hockey skills along the years and it is impressive that he has been nominated for the second time to play at the Olympics, which doesn’t happen only with luck but definitely with his proficiency!  

S K Uthappa, a Real Player!

We know Uthappa as a Hockey player, but he was so much more than that! Well, there are people who can master a game or two; Uthappa stands out as he was a National level Basketball player and as played for his state, Karnataka. Adding on, during his childhood he also represented Coorg (his hometown) at the State level contests in sports like football and badminton; thus calling him a real player is no false!

S K Uthappa route to Hockey:

Being a sportsperson he had a lot of games to choose from, Uthappa chose Hockey as grew up watching his elder brother play the game. He was a star right from his childhood has he holds the record of scoring 16 goals in 5 matches, the highest ever by an 11 year old in the state level competition.
For the passion he had for Hockey he moved to Bangalore in 2008 to join the Sports Authority of India (SAI) center. With his in built talent he was soon recognized and he headed the State team and won the Junior Nations title in the year 2010. Uthappa showed his stability by performing habitually which bought his the Best Player of the year 2011 in the Senior National Championship where his state, Karnataka took the Silver medals!

S K Uthappa’s Hockey profession:

The Indian Forwarder, S K Uthappa was introduced in the international match in the year 2012 where the Indian team played against South Africa for the Karbonn Cup Hockey five-match test series. Uthappa was acknowledged by Hockey India with a special award for scoring a goal in his debut match. In the tournament, he took control and managed to score 3 goals which is appreciated as scoring in a debut match isn’t easy as it sounds.
Apart from playing at the Forward position, He can set his limits high by experiment on the field using his hockey techniques which will certainly contribute to more development as a Player. By putting in an extra time and work during the practice might nourish him to be an all-rounder in the team.

Uthappa has a privilege of playing at the Olympics in the very start of his career by proving his talents and will also be a part of the 2016 Olympic Games.Adding on S K Uthappa plays at the domestic front for the Uttar Pradesh Wizards.S K Uthapa was also retained by UP Wizards since his start  with the team in 2013.

S K Uthappa Career Highlights

  • 2011 Senior Nationals - Best player.
  • 2010 Junior Nationals Winner and also was the capatain of Karnataka.
  • Appointed in Indian Oil Corporation Ltd when was 18 years old.
  • Played his first Olympics when he was just 18 years old.
  • National Basket ball player , State level Badminton and football player. 
SK Uthappa is still young and is raring to achieve the tag of " hat-rick Olympian" into his hat....!
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