FIH Men's Champions Trophy 2016 :Individual Awards

The FIH Men's champions Trophy 2016 has just concluded .The Gold medal has been won by the world no 1 Australia ,Silver for the young Indian team and Bronze for the defending Olympic champions Germany.But the individual award's in this kind of major tournament is a great esteem.Here you could find the list of the Individual star performer's/Individual Awards of the tournament..
FIH Champions Trophy 2016 (Image courtesy-FIH)

FIH Men's Champions Trophy 2016 :Individual Awards

Best Player of the Tournament: Tobias Hauke (Ger)

The best player of the tournament has been won by the German 28 year old Olympic Gold 
medalist Tobias Hauke .He stayed with his reputation by showing off some intensive stick works and through passes which was a vital weapon for Germany to win the Bronze medal.He totally has scored 3 goals in the tournament with 2 field goals and one in a penalty corner.After receiving the prize money of  1000€ the interviewer asked what will it be useful for and Tobias was like " A beer or two for my team mates " .

Best Junior Player of the Tournament: Harmanpreet Singh (Ind)

Harmanpreet Singh has always been able to be on the limelight ever since he started wearing the blue jersey and he had no competition from his counter parts to win the Best Junior player of the tournament.Particularly in this tournament he was a real motivator in the team.He really stepped up his shoes and showed he is a big contender for the defense in Rio .His counter attacking skills as well being able hold a calm composure in tense situation is really amazing for his age.The penalty stroke that he scored against GBR and also the penalty shoot out against the Aussie goalkeeper Lovell proves him he is set for this stage.

Best Goalkeeper of the Tournament: George Pinner (GBR)

George Pinner the Great Britain Goalkeeper ever since his debut by 2011 displayed some rock solid blocking for the Britain team.He indeed has equally the less number of goals with Australian goalkeeper Lovell with 7 a piece.Indeed George was declared the best Goalkeeper of the tournament because he made some classy efforts to keep British hopes alive in the tournament.

Top Goal Scorer of the Tournament: Marco Miltkau(GER)

Marco Miltkau has scored 4 goals in the tournament to win the Top scorer of the Tournament award .His only goal in the 3-4th place match against the GBR made them win the Bronze medal.The German striker is eyeing for an another Gold medal in the Rio.

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